Sunday, March 15, 2015

C4T #2

In my first assigned post to Mrs. Cathy Jo Nelson on Professional Thoughts, she discussed the Learning Management System. The Learning Management System would be used to engage students to learn using technology. I enjoyed reading about the system and asked where could I find more information about it. I also stated that it sounds like a great idea and I hope more teachers are willing to use it next year.

In my second post Nelson's post was titled "#SCASL15 This Week!" SCASL15 stands for South Carolina Association of School Librarians 40th Annual Conference. Nelson discusses the conference and mentions "Flipped Libraries" and presentation alternatives. I asked Mrs. Nelson where could I find out more information about "Flipped Libraries" and if she would be posting more about the conference. I believe this conference is a very exciting time for librarians and a way for them to share new ideas.

Technology and Learning

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